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Company Dividends / GDN Interest Payments

Generated on Friday, September 20, 2024 7:04:38 PM

Full Dividend History Report, Click on Icon to view local market details:

Company SJM Holdings Limited
Ticker Symbol SJMHY
CUSIP Number 78428L103 (Active)
US ISIN US78428L1035
Country Hong Kong
Security Type ADR1
Listing Exchange OTC
Ratio (ORD:DR) 4 : 1
US Record Date US Pay Date Notice
Type Stock % US Gross Rate (US$) Tax Withheld (US$) Relief at Src Fee (US$) Fee Rate (US$) US Net
Rate (US$)
09/22/2022 09/29/2022 Rights 0.00 0.0686350 0.0137270 0.0549080 F
06/11/2020 07/09/2020 Cash 0.00 0.1135390 0.0136240 0.0999150 F
09/06/2019 10/15/2019 Cash 0.00 0.0408080 0.0048960 0.0359120 F
06/13/2019 07/12/2019 Cash 0.00 0.1074850 0.0128980 0.0945870 F
09/10/2018 10/15/2018 Cash 0.00 0.0408370 0.0049000 0.0359370 F
06/14/2018 07/13/2018 Cash 0.00 0.0764440 0.0091730 0.0672710 F
09/01/2017 10/05/2017 Cash 0.00 0.0256180 0.0030740 0.0225440 F
06/15/2017 07/13/2017 Cash 0.00 0.0922290 0.0110670 0.0811620 F

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