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Company Dividends / GDN Interest Payments

Generated on Saturday, July 6, 2024 5:44:18 AM

Full Dividend History Report, Click on Icon to view local market details:

Company Sopra Steria Group S.A.
Ticker Symbol SPPSY
CUSIP Number 83578R108 (Active)
US ISIN US83578R1086
Country France
Security Type ADR
Listing Exchange OTC
Ratio (ORD:DR) 1 : 10
US Record Date US Pay Date Notice
Type Stock % US Gross Rate (US$) Tax Withheld (US$) Relief at Src Fee (US$) Fee Rate (US$) US Net
Rate (US$)
05/29/2024 06/13/2024 Cash 0.00 0.5035020 0.1258750 0.0500000 0.3276270 F

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